Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Superman Returns (2006)

4/10 Points

Well that was a load of armadillo shit.

I paid 7$ to enjoy superman kicking some foreign villain ass, not to watch some rendition of Jesus flying around in his underwear. If that was my goal, I would have read the bible.

Honestly, I don’t read comics, but has Superman always been such a pussy? I didn’t catch him throwing a single punch during the whole movie, he got his ass kicked by an old balding AIDS patient, and he didn’t even give an honest effort to steal Lois from some inferior human! You call that a super hero? For gods sake, Batman is more of a superhero; and he is just some rich guy with money, fake abs, a ridiculous car, and an obedient butler.

I realize he is Superman, and therefore I am letting the flying, x-ray vision, and super-human strength slide, but the least the producers could have done was make him follow Newton's third law of motion. How the fuck do you lift a boat out of the water when you are pushing against it with your feet for support? That’s like trying to pull a car with your feet resting on its bumper. Try it, I dare you.

Its no wonder the Wayans brother’s 'Little Man' is two spots ahead in the Box Office. Spending 7$ on this movie is about as wasteful as Superman is with his powers.

Racist prick. Why dont you go save some visible minorities for a change?


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